Kick Out Covid-19

Protect Yourself and help prevent spreading the virus Covid-19 to others

  • Wash Your Hands Regularly for 20 second, With Soap and Water or Alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Cover Your Nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneexe.
  • Avoid Close Contact ( 1 meter or 3 meters ) with people who unwell.
  • Stay at home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell.
  • Don't touch your Eyes, Nose or Mouth if your hand are not clean.

Aamna Human Development
Welfare Society

Aamna Human Development Welfare Society founded in 17/01/2020 under the society Act 1860.
A non-government organization that are independent of government organization, which works towards the betterness of society.

Free Ayushman Card Creation Camp

Camp Organized 20, 21, 23, 24, 25 March, 2023, Neoria Husainpur

Ayushman Bharat is a health scheme of the Central Government. Under this scheme, Ayushman card is issued, through which a person can get free treatment up to five lakh rupees.

Who are the eligible families of Ayushman Bharat "Niramayam" scheme? , In the social, economic and caste census 2011, the rural families identified from D-1 to D-7 (except D-6) will be included and the identified business-based urban families will be included. Along with this, some categories of families will automatically be included.

Under the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, free Ayushman cards were made for the beneficiaries included in the list by organizing camp on behalf of Amna Human Development Welfare Society.

Day1: 20 March 2023

Day2: 21 March 2023

During Lockdown Neoria

Food For Daily Wages People, Covid-19
Due to the complete lockdown across the country,the most affected have been the daily wage workers who are without work or government support. Aamna Human Development Welfare Society's initiative called Food For Daily Wages People , Covid-19 is a fundraising campaign to provide packets of dry ration to the daily wage workers homeless, migrant labourers and the poor in Distict Pilibhit. We are at AHDWS along with a group of young volunteers began this fundraising campaign before the complete lockdown. initialy we are working at Distict Pilibhit.Rahat Samagri: Ata, Dal, Rice, Mirchi,Onion, Haldi, oil and Salt

During Lockdown Neoria